We’re available for new projects. Now with a

We’re taking big law back to its roots. To the place where businesses flourish. To the countryside.

We take pride in our local approach, perseverance, and ability to thrive in the most challenging situations. But most of all, we strongly believe big law has its place in the countryside.

Nowadays, young people are rediscovering rural areas. Entrepreneurs are moving back to their hometowns. It’s high time big law made a comeback there too.

Our urban colleagues may look down on us country lawyers, assuming we have no specialisation to offer. But business is not concentrated in big cities anymore.

That’s why we believe big and highly specific legal cases can — and should be — handled at the local level. We’re proud to be your local country lawyers. And we’re positive you’ll be proud to callus your “lawcal” lawyers too.


The peaceful countryside surrounding our offices gives us space to focus and deliver precise and honest work. We work with a clear head and can attend to our clients personally.

Ondřej Šváb

Businesses of all kinds flourish and prosper in the country and they need healthy legal roots to reach their full potential.

Here are a few examples of what we're capable of

  • We helped a client from the Vysočina Region build and lease out an industrial hall worth tens of millions of crowns.
  • We lent a helping hand to Office More, a furniture company, to spin off and sell part of its operations.
  • We represented a client from the Pardubice Region in a dispute with the government. He successfully asserted his unjust enrichment compensation claim and was awarded tens of millions of crowns in compensation.

The origins of the LAWCA PARTNERS brand

Law is an extremely competitive industry and we knew we had to reach out to professionals with plenty of experience in our sector.”

Ondřej Šváb, founder LAWCA PARTNERS

The idea to start a top-level legal practice in a small town came to me under a starry night sky in the summer of 2023. It was one of those situations where you felt with every cell in your body that you’ve made the right decision. I believed in my vision. But how wasI to get through to people and companies? I reached out to Margarita Fries and her team for solutions.

We began by going back to the roots of our firm, taking a step back to see the big picture. Together, we defined the essence of what we and our services are about. Who are we here for? What makes us so unique?

We discovered something we had known all along but never uttered out loud. Our core idea:

You can practice big law in the countryside and still have an international impact. “Country lawyer” doesn’t have to be an insult, it can be a symbol of honest craftsmanship.

Ondřej Šváb

A resilient herb that thrives under adverse conditions

We chose the clover as our symbol. It’s a resilient herb that thrives under adverse conditions. Just like Czech businesses.

The geometric shapes and the typeface symbolise the precision of our legal practice. The randomness inherent to nature adds a sense of ease and accessibility.

Because LAWCA PARTNERS make world-class legal services accessible to local entrepreneurs. We’re stripping law of all its corporate vices and planting it in a better environment where more and more people are relocating from the big cities.

The brand’s colour palette is based on the enigmatic, mist-covered Czech forests, accentuated by our colourful meadows. The pink symbolizes the clover whilst the green symbolizes lady’s mantle, which isa widespread herb found around our region of Vysočina.

Creating the brand was a thrilling adventure, guided by true professionals.

We had a clear vision from the start. But how we rewe going to get through to the people and other businesses? We approached several of our fellow lawyers who had impressive online presentations for guidance. Many of them referred us to one guru: Margarita Fries.

“I asked Margarita for help and she’s been guiding me through our brand development strategy ever since. Thanks to her, people who value a personal touch in law and transactions can now learn about my mission.”

— Ondřej Šváb

But Margarita Fries says expert leadership alone is not enough to create an honest brand. It’s important that the people creating the brand believe in it too:

“I very much appreciate our cooperation with Ondřej Šváb because, for him, rebranding was a journey far into the unknown. He believed in us and even gave us a bigger budget than he originally anticipated.

We were all the more motivated to do a great job and deliver the result I had sketched out for Ondřej when we first started working together.

I look forward to seeing how Ondřej’s LAWCA PARTNERS brand will serve him and his team to make the most of their services and clients.”

— Margarita Fries

Ondřej & Margi

Do you need solid legal roots?
Leave us your contact info here.

We’ll get back to you by the next business day
and discuss the next steps.

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724 733 257
(Po-Pá 9-18)