We’re available for new projects. Now with a


Or send us an email. We’ll respond promptly.


These clients found legal assistance in the countryside

When us lawcal lawyers roll up our sleeves, things are about to get done.

BGS Energy group sued its former management. Lawcal lawyers won the case.

“It was a complicated case that required the right strategy and line of arguments. This law firm chose the best approach that ended up winning us the case.”

Radim Hrůza

Member of BoD, BGS Energy plus a.s.

A corporate de-merger worth tens of millions crowns & our legal craft.

“I appreciate the way they communicate – fast and clear.”

Ivo Mazálek

Executive Director, OFFICE MORE

An industrial hall in Vysočina leased out smoothly for tens of millions

“I was surprised by your helpfulness and prompt replies to all my emails.”

František Lavický

Investor & Builder

Legal solutions

We work for local entrepreneurs
as well as foreign projects.

Corporate mergers and acquisitions. Development projects. Real estate sales.
All of these require honest legal support that’s not easy to come by in the big city.

Entrepreneurs and Companies

Your business needs strong legal roots to fully blossom. We’ll advise you on transactions, represent you in negotiations and meetings, and prepare contracts.

Due diligence
Contract Documents

Real Estate Agents

You take care of your clients, we’ll take care of you. We’ll prepare all the necessary contracts and be there whenever you need quick advice.

Contract templates
Attorney escrow
Application for registration
Legal representation


You’re the experts on development. Leave all the legal groundwork to us. You won’t need to micromanage, we’ll lead the entire process ourselves. From site inspection and contractor agreements up until the final sale to your end customer, we’ve got you covered.

Holding structures
Legal due diligence
External funding


Protecting family assets is a big responsibility, we know. We’re here to help you shoulder the burden. We’ll help you secure your legacy for your children and/or pass down the family business to the next generation.

Legal structure
Transfer of ownership
Administration of property
Joint spousal property
Or send us an email. We’ll respond promptly

Why choose LAWCA?

Deal with legal matters “lawcally.” With lawyers that pay attention to you

We attend to you in person

You’ll often meet directly with the firm’s founder. Here in the countryside, we simply have more time to take an in-depth interest in your business and attend to you personally.

We won’t keep you waiting

We like getting things done. That’s why we respond promptly and work efficiently. We’ll even review basic contracts for you by the next working day.

International experience

We’ve been handling large-scale transactions since 2012 & we have extensive experience working in international law firms. Take advantage of our expertise for your project.

Ondřej Šváb

About Us

Law runs in my family

I returned to the countryside to practice law in good faith. I inherited the trade, just like people used to inherit carpentry or shoemaking. That’s why it’s a matter of honour for me to do my job properly.

For years, I worked for top law firms. Big projects were always very fulfilling, but I didn’t enjoy the hustle and bustle of the big city.

That’s why I founded LAWCA PARTNERS. A law firm that takes global know-how to rural areas.

There, law is personal. We work with a clear head and know each client by their first name.

Ondřej Šváb | Managing Partner

Get in touch
We’ll respond promptly

The Process

This is what you should know about working with us.

This is what you should know about working with us.


The founder himself will contact you

When you’re ready to discuss your business, drop us a line. You’ll hear from Ondřej Šváb, the firm’s founder.


We get economists, tax consultants, and accountants on the team

If your case needs it, we’ll refer you to our experts. We work with people who have local mindsets as well as global experience.


We attend meetings and negotiations with you

We’re never a third wheel, we always come prepared. You can also meet the counterparty in our peaceful office overlooking the meadow.


We work fast

We can follow up on meetings or deliver drafts of simple contracts by the next working day.


We’re actively moving things forward

We don’t wait idly for you to task us with every single step. We’ll be regularly in touch with you and actively negotiating with the counterparty.


We’ll save you time

We’ll represent you before government authorities and schedule meetings with the counterparty. We’ll file your applications with the land and commercial registers. We’ll save you the time and the trouble.

You’ll know our rate upfront

There will be no hidden surprises inour invoice. You’ll know the final amount upfront. In case of any changes,we’ll let you know in advance.

our services

What we can help you with

We like to work calm and steady, without the hustle and bustle of the big city. That’s why we’re bringing corporate know-how back to the countryside.

Mergers & acquisitions, shareholding transfers

TOP expertise
Supported by testimonials

Let our experience from working at large Czech and international companies work for you. We’ll give your transaction a solid framework and help you avoid future problems. Your company will keep on flourishing.

  • Defining the legal framework for sales, mergers, or acquisitions
  • Running legal due diligence of companies
  • Providing assistance with transaction and contract negotiation
  • Designing the transaction process and ensuring its management
  • Drafting NDAs, future purchase agreements, and purchase agreements
  • Providing legal advice onf inancing of corporate acquisitions
  • Scheduling and organising signings
  • Executing mergers and acquisitions
  • Bringing certified experts, tax consultants, and accountants to the table

Real estate development

We’ll help you build your project worry-free. We’ll lay out the legal groundwork that will help you maintain your margin even when the market fluctuates.

  • Preparing the holding structure for tax optimisation
  • Running legal due diligence when purchasing land
  • Providing legal advice on financing of development
  • Drafting the contracts with the design engineer and construction manager
  • Preparing contractor agreements to be signed with construction contractors
  • Ensuring compliance with FIDIC RedBook, FIDIC Yellow Book, and FIDIC Silver Book
  • Drafting of contracts to govern the relationships with neighbours, municipalities, and owners of utility networks
  • Partitioning properties into units based on a representation of the owner or development agreement
  • Drafting reservation agreements, future purchase agreements, and purchase agreements
  • Preparing contract documents for leasing
  • Providing legal support for the acquisition of a development project

Entrepreneurs & companies

Most popular
Supported by testimonials

Together, we’ll prepare fertile ground for your healthy company to grow. We’ll guide you through the legal processes and provide expert insights. We’re happy to recommend certified tax consultants, economists, and accountants.

  • Designing the holding structure for tax optimisation
  • Providing legal advice on theoperations
  • Preparing for the future sale of acompany
  • Preparing for spin-offs andmergers
  • Drafting contracts to govern the relationships with partners or shareholders
  • Drafting foundation deeds, partnership agreements, articles of associations, and shareholder agreements
  • Preparing NDAs, LOIs, and other documents for co-operation with business partners
  • Providing legal assistance incorporate restructuring
  • Organising general meetings for the approval of financial statements
  • Ensuring publication of documents in the public registry
  • Drafting contracts for specificcases and for serial use• Assisting in disputes withbusiness partners

Real estate agents

Supported by testimonials

You sell, we’ll take care of thelegal groundwork. Whenever you need advice, we’ll respond promptly.

  • Negotiations on contractual documents
  • Real estate mediation contract
  • Reservation agreement
  • Future purchase agreement
  • Purchase agreement
  • Lease agreement, usufructuary lease contract
  • Attorney escrow of money and documents
  • Transfer of real estate and application for registration in the Land Registry
  • Management of easements
  • Representation before the Land Registry Office
  • Remedy of legal defects of real estate

Construction companies

Inspection, construction, leasing, andsale. We have experience with development, and we’ll actively guide all your legal actions. With solid legal roots, you can rest assured that you’ll meet your deadlines and budgets.

  • Preparing the holding structure for tax optimisation
  • Drafting contractor agreements
  • Ensuring compliance with FIDIC RedBook, FIDIC Yellow Book, and FIDIC Silver Book
  • Legal advice on financing of construction
  • Review of contracts provided by the counterparty
  • Handover protocol and assistance with building commissioning

Private individual property owners

Most popular

We realise you’re dealing with the biggest transaction of your life. That’s why we’re here to help you through the whole process, from reserving the property and negotiating the terms to closing on the property and registering your ownership in the Land Registry. We’ll even advise you on your tax burden. We’ve got time for you – if you write us an email, we’ll be there to help you promptly.

  • Guidance through the entire sale process
  • Sale arrangements
  • Legal advice on financing
  • Attorney escrow of money and documents
  • Reservation agreements, future purchase agreements
  • Purchase agreements
  • Lease agreements
  • Review of contracts provided by the counterparty
  • Transfer of real estate and application for registration in the Land Registry
  • Representation before the Land Registry Office
  • Management of easements
  • Legal advice on donation of real estate

Families and property protection

Your family fortune will grow. We’ll make sure of it. We can advise you on how to provide for your children and smoothly hand over the family business.

  • Choosing the right legal structure for asset management (company, foundation, or trust fund, etc.)
  • Establishing legal structure and transfer of assets
  • Setting the rules for the transfer of assets
  • Setting the rules to regularly provide for your family
  • Providing regular legal consultancy


We’ll make sure your community property is designed to secure your family assets. We’ll prepare the legal groundwork for anything your future holds.

  • Ensuring your preferred regime of the community property of spouses
  • Legal consultancy for your plans
  • Assistance during changes in your life
  • Closing contracts on the selected matrimonial property regime before a notary

Testators and heirs

Decide the future of your legacy.We’ll make sure your assets get to the right hands.

  • Final will and testament, legacy, or contract of inheritance
  • Steps to be taken in case of serious or permanent disability
  • Signing documents before a notary

Is your case highly unusual? No problem, we’re used to that.

Give us a call. We’ll meet you in the highlands or online. It’s all up to you.

Právní e-book

Stáhněte si průvodce

Právo pěstujeme jako řemeslo. Poctivě, pečlivě, s hrdostí. Z kanceláře mezi kopci pracujeme pro jednotlivce, firmy, developerské projekty a realitní kanceláře.

Odesláním souhlasíte se zpracováním osobních údajů.
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ebook Nástrahy výstavby

We form the legal roots for these companies


Contact us

Call the founder. We’re here for anyone who values honest legal work.

Let’s start by discussing what we can do to help you. We’ll be happy to make time for you. We speak Czech and English.



+420 724 733 257
Call us on Mon – Fri, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Our Office

Dvořákovo nábřeží 1690
539 01 Hlinsko
Ondřej Šváb

Do you need solid legal roots?
Leave us your contact info here.

We’ll get back to you by the next business day
and discuss the next steps.

Děkujeme, vaši zprávu jsme předali zakladateli LAWCA PARTNERS. Co nevidět se vám ozve.

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Došlo k chybě při odesílání. Zkontrolujte, že je vše správně zadané a zkuste to ještě jednou.

Rychlý konakt

724 733 257
(Po-Pá 9-18)